Our Way

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We find ourselves doing scenes in various places along our way. Sometimes it’s nonsense, sometimes it’s plain stupidity. Sometimes it works. Sometimes we are a good example of the joke about performance artists:

Excuse me, can you define performance art? – A bunch of weirdoes who love to get naked and scream about leftist politics.


What do you get when you mix a comedian with a performance artist? – A joke that no one understands.

Sometimes it’s true, but it’s more complex than that. Our journey is a pause, a way to reconnect with theatre, with performance art. Each scene we do, and we do a lot, feels like an attempt at reconciliation with theatre.

It’s like a sentence by Picasso I was once struck by: “I like to paint until the painting refuses me.” I would say that theatre won’t refuse me for a couple more shows, a couple more decades, so it’s a reconciliation. Not with what I want, because I don’t know what I want, but with what I want from what I have. And to be more able to not ask for something else, but to do only what you really like, to deal with what you have. It’s a more peaceful attitude.

When we’re doing a performance, we’re not angry anymore when it is not well done. Not to be angry that the performance should be this way or against another way, but just to do it your way. (y)

a penny for your thoughts…